Commercial Fridge and Freezer temperature monitoring and data-logging is essential as HACCP Health and safety legislation demands that temperature information is data-logged at the very minimum.
R-DNA would provide a cost effective and reliable means to monitor Fridge and Freezer systems to not only track the temperatures within refrigerators but to also record those temperature details and therefore easily view any fluctuations via the R-DNA dashboard or the customisable reporting tool, plus of course provide facility to alert when the temperature is out of any desired range, to ensure those businesses utilising commercial Fridge and Freezers comply with this legislation.
Monitoring fridges and freezers with R-DNA ensures that you will not only be complying with legislation, but also save money as a result of the longer working life when your fridge set up is maintained at the correct temperature.
Another factor that businesses must comply with is HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) which states frozen food should be stored at minus 15 deg C or lower while in a freezer. Using the R-DNA monitoring solution, physical proof can be given that you’ve met the HACCP requirements in addition to receiving email, SMS or in-software notification of any potential out-of-parameter situations with your Fridge/Freezer set up.
Temperature monitoring for Medicines
The Duthie Report published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain March in 2005 states that “There should be monitoring of the temperature of the refrigerator on each working day using a calibrated maximum-minimum thermometer or other approved monitoring device”. R-DNA is perfectly suited to providing this information.
Temperature recording for food storage in fridges and freezers
The Food Standards Agency provides a guidance document; House Rules Temperature Control for HACCP. This document state “You must ensure that the Temperature Control Critical Limits you set for all high risk foods held in your kitchen are regularly monitored”. R-DNA provides the required regulatory compliance. R-DNA is flexible enough to configure to suit your needs and thus will deliver both temperature and the minimum/maximum records required.
We can also provide or advise on your hardware solution. The R-DNA Assist hardware device is waterproof (IP67 rated), they can be regularly cleaned to maintain required hygiene practices.